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![Product Review: JK400 Restauranteur Rotating Composter](
Product Review: JK400 Restauranteur Rotating Composter
The waste from restaurants and other commercial food service establishments is estimated to be more than 76% organic and able to be turned into compost! A single restaurant, on average, disposes more than 50 tons of organic waste every year. This material, if kept out of landfill can be turned to compost.
With a capacity of up to 400L, the 'Restauranteur' Rotating Composter JK400 has the ability to accommodate up to 4 families, even a commercial restaurant!
Restaurants are also encouraged to use biodegradable food service containers that can be recycled with their food waste recycling.
The Restaurateur Composter comes with a High Stand that is perfect for people with back problems and is high enough to fit your wheelbarrow underneath, making it even easier to compost!
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